On the advancement trail, Cub Scouts progress from rank to rank, learning new skills as they go.

Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.

Lion, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Scouts earn adventure loops to be worn on their belt, and Webelos Scouts earn pins they can wear on their Webelos colors or Webelos cap.


Just as Cub Scouts can earn individual awards for themselves, they can also work together to earn these awards.

Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award

Tiger through Webelos can earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award in each program year as long as the requirements are completed each year. The first time the award is earned, the Cub Scout will receive the pocket flap award, which is to be worn on the right pocket flap of the uniform shirt.

Each successive time the award is earned, a Wolf Track pin is added to the flap. Cub Scouts build on skills and experiences from previous years when working on the award for a successive year!

Cyber Chip Award

Today’s youth are spending more time than ever using digital media for education, research, socializing, and fun. The CyberChip award helps families keep youth safe while online.

The Boy Scouts of America has teamed up with NetSmartz, part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and training expert for many law enforcement agencies, to create the CyberChip.

Interpreter Strip

Scouting is a worldwide organization and encourages youth and adults to share their culture and heritage with others.

Youth and adults may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of a foreign language or the sign language for the hearing impaired by carrying on a five-minute conversation in this language, translating a two-minute speech or address, writing a letter in the language (does not apply for sign language) and translating 200 words from the written word.

Protect Yourself Rules

Protect Yourself Rules is a new Preview Adventure that help children recognize, respond to, and report abuse.

The Protect Yourself Rules may be used as an elective adventure or they may be earned in place of the Cyber Chip requirement for the Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light badges of rank. If used in place of the Cyber Chip requirement for a rank, it may not be used as an elective adventure for that rank.

Recruiter Strip

When Scouts are having a great time they naturally want to invite friends who are not involved to join. To recognize those Cub Scouts who recruit a friend to join the pack, there is the recruiter strip.

This patch is worn on the bottom left pocket of the uniform. When a Cub Scout invites friends to join the pack, once one of those friends has joined, they earn the patch.

STEM Nova Awards

Cub Scout Nova Awards may be earned by Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and Arrow Of Light Scouts. The NOVA Awards program incorporates learning with cool activities and exposure to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for Cub Scouts.

For their first Nova award, Scouts earn the distinctive Nova award patch. After that, a Scout can earn three more Nova awards, each one recognized with a separate pi (π) pin-on device that attaches to the patch.

Whittling Chip

Beginning at the Bear rank (third grade), Cub Scouts may earn the Whittling Chip. This is a required training for Scouts in order to use and carry a pocketknife during Scouting activities.

The Scout must demonstrate to their adult leader the safe way to use a knife as a tool. In addition to a pocket card, a patch may also be presented but is not to be worn on the uniform.


National Den Award

The National Den Award recognizes dens that have a quality, year-round program. The award goes to dens that do service and conservation projects, field trips, character building, and camping.

Dens earn the award as a team, not as individual den members. The recognition is a ribbon for the den flag or den doodle.

National Summertime Pack Award

The pack can qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award certificate and streamer by planning and conducting three pack activities—one each in June, July, and August.

Dens with an average attendance of at least half their members at the three summer pack events are eligible for a colorful den participation ribbon. Cub Scouts who participate in all three pack events are eligible to receive the National Summertime Pack Award pin. (Adults and Lions are not eligible.)